Saturday, July 5, 2008
Just a little stroll...

Originally uploaded by spamymom

I was looking through some old photographs. Here is Kieran at his First birthday party. Wow. Time has flown. He's so cute!! Look at those cheeks, that hair. You'd never know by looking at him today that he was ever a chunky baby, but he was.

Look how young Sean looked. :) hehe

Thanks for strolling with me.

posted by Astreia at 4:04 PM - 3 comments
15 weeks
Oh my goodness. I can't believe that I'm 15 weeks already. Next thing I know school will be starting and then it'll be time for the baby to get here.

We need to really pinpoint some names. We did go browsing around the store today looking at baby things. After almost 4 years, I feel out of the loop. There's some really cool stuff out these days. Better start saving my pennies. :)
posted by Astreia at 3:56 PM - 1 comments
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Name: Astreia
Home: Texas, United States
About Me: I've been sewing for less than 5 years. I'm married, with 3 kids and teach. I find time to sew after the kids go to bed. It's my therapy!
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