Sunday, December 30, 2007
Mark this day! I had to eat crow.
The cost of apologizing: Tulips, 100 Grand, and a card.

Who was it for....

The prize goes to... My husband. It all started over dinner. I was planning on cooking salmon croquettes for dinner. I got tired. Husband thought he'd help and cook. Well I woke up from nap to the smell of food cooking. He was attempting to cook the croquettes. He's never made them IN HIS LIFE. Well I got upset and you see the outcome. He was really trying to help out. He's the nicest, sweetest, most loving people on the planet. I'm extremely blessed to be married to him.

So on this day. December 30, 2007 I let my pride get in the way and didn't take the time to appreciate what my husband was trying to do. I WAS WRONG.
posted by Astreia at 9:45 PM -
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Name: Astreia
Home: Texas, United States
About Me: I've been sewing for less than 5 years. I'm married, with 3 kids and teach. I find time to sew after the kids go to bed. It's my therapy!
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